Your donation to East-West Cultural and Educational Center will help us keep our doors open, provide everyone with access to our important programs and services, and create new events and programs that are interesting and important for the community.
No matter the size of your donation, it will make a difference. Thank you for your support!
Tax Information: The East-West Cultural and Educational Center is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to East-West Cultural and Educational Center are tax-deductible. The East-West Center tax identification number is 26-0773199.
We currently accept cash, checks (written to EWCEC), and Zelle (Pay@EastWestSchool.Org).

Donors can have their names or the names of their loved ones associated with a specific program or space at our Center, such as a scholarship, a classroom, or a regularly published newsletter.
Let us know how we can help you.
East-West Cultural & Education Center Phone number: 410-205-6002